This Week: A Micro Post…

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By Celeste Hawkins


I have just finished writing an essay, so there is always a mini celebration to be had after this.

My mini celebration is giving myself a bit of a break.

Only a bit.

However, it’s also a call out to follow me on Twitter at @artandcurious .

I only just joined a few months back.

I am not constantly tweeting throughout the day.

I do however make regular tweets and will feel much better about it if you can meet me there too!

The great thing about twitter is that all these amazing people pop up to meet me and I learn just a bit more.

For instance, Micro Galleries came to my attention and I watched their vimeo of their Occupy Nowra experience and

I was mighty impressed.

The documentary

Occupy Nowra-Check out the documentation!







What a treat for NOWRA and the artists involved!


And they go all over the place, both in Australia and Overseas.


Their next one is in Bali!


I must chat with them soon!


See you next week!






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