Catch up-Mulga

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I feel privileged to not only be able to have an insight into how all kinds of artists create, but spy a little on their progress as well. I guess that’s the delightful thing about the digital landscape. One can deliver these little ‘journaled journeys’ in a instant.

So for this re-cap, I’m bit further afield …from Sydney.

Regular readers may recall reading here about the art of Mulga back around this time  in 2012.

Otis the OwlOtis the Owl,Mulga, 2014

Having recently quit his dull finance job after many years of tedium and frustration, Mulga is now in full swing as self confessed ‘artprenueur’. This is a good thing, as last time I visited,his partner told me he could barely sit still for a second. ‘I had been stuck in the same low level finance office job for many years and I did not have the passion for the finance industry to take any steps to climb the ‘ladder’, he says.

One wonders how he survived in the world of finance. But it’s amazing what people can do whilst dreaming of their other ventures. And I’m guessing the finance skills will certainly help in his new business. This is especially true, as he has recently become a proud father for the third time!

Mulga’s charismatic characters have appeared in a myriad of spaces including in print and canvas form, on walls, T-shirts and other paraphernalia. Children’s book writing is certainly on the cards as many of his characters come with a full profile and poem attached.

When asking Mulga about his work and inspiration, he opened with:

“My main source of inspiration is having a job that I love so that I never have to work again because work sucks.”

So for the benefit of aspiring artists out there, how did he make that leap?

“I read many books and biographies with the main idea of being inspired; many that talked about doing something you love for work. So I started a blog and posted my drawings on it, just starting small. The first drawings I posted on the blog were made on post it notes while I sat at work not wanting to do my office job duties. They are still up there. My first post was 6 September 2010.”

Fabio the Fox

Fabio the Fox, Mulga, 2014

Mulga had his first solo art show in February 2012. It has taken him nearly 5 years to transition into being a full time artist and will be interesting to follow his progress as his years of art making roll on.

Read more and see more about the art of Mulga here at:





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