100 Days of Illustration

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I just missed out on uploading to this weeks illustration friday topic-but I have other exciting things going on. I’ve decided to participate in the #100dayproject challenge on instagram- I’ve been swept up in the momentum of it!

Being that I have a fascination with vintage and all things nostalgia I created my own vintage wall paper pattern and incorporated it into this. I first drew this image of the two girls about 6 years ago-it was taken from a photo of a fellow student and I did a simple black marker pen line drawing of it at the time. Its been good to resurrect it and develop it.

This one is an interpretation of a photo of me at 14 with my (then) bunny. I could not bring myself to draw this figure as myself, for some reason. I love to use old photographs and other references to give them a new narrative, a new life.

See you next week with more!

And follow me on instagram  at @theartandthecurious to see every post of the 100 day challenge!

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