Consistency is Key!

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By Celeste Hawkins


From now on, I have decided that each week I’m going to post some good all round advice and tips on what might attribute to a successful small Arts business, or any business for that matter!

Being consistent is one of those attributes that I would put way up high on the list of importance when wanting to make giant leaps in your business. It’s those little things you do each day and sometimes without even being consciously aware you’re doing them.  Some of the things you might do each day might not even be a physical act of making something.

It could be a to-do-list, some internet research or a conversation that contributes to your overall progression.

As long as you take note of these ideas and never lose sight of them you are doing something. Those little consistent steps can turn into giant leaps if you take the necessary actions to gain the momentum you need.

Consistency is key to this momentum.

My Etsy shop is slowly growing at a steady yet consistent pace. Whilst working around my kids, my job and other interests I’m able to manage it at a slow yet consistent pace. Find the pace that’s right for you and never give up!

Recently I had an order for a custom drawing from a girl in the US who wanted a drawing for her boyfriend of his rabbit (who had departed). It’s something I have thought about but never offered before. I have to say, it was  a real challenge creating an illustration out of a few fuzzy photos of this bun. However, I really enjoyed the process and ultimately the final drawing.

Needles to say she was rapt!

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